Rumor Rumor

Rumor; Revolutionizing How Events Are Planned

Rumor is a revolutionary event planning application that looks to capture the market of high-end exclusive events, changing the way event planning apps are looked at. It was developed with the idea of being able to improve how exclusive events are managed and planned. Previously the process of planning and managing an event like this was a strenuous task that was both inefficient and costly, but with the creation of rumor, there will be an increase in efficiency, along with making it more cost-efficient. Rumor is an event planning application that is filled with many different features that have made it extremely useful for those who look to build and organize events that are going to cater to an extremely exclusive guest list. What makes Rumor unique is its ability to be used as an event calendar planner. Its Global event calendar is a year-round calendar that provides information regarding exclusive events that span many industries allowing high-profile event organizers to stay in the loop about all the high-profile events and experiences that would be taking place. Rumor also plays the role of facilitating communication between organizers and influential guests allowing users to improve their reach, making this such a useful feature in the extensive database that rumor holds.

Technologies Used

  • Laravel


  • React.js


  • Kotlin


  • Swift
