06 Essential Administrative Skills for
CEO's ( why they matter)

6 CEO Skills
September 9, 2024


All business entities are confronted by opposing forces, Domestically and internationally. Therefore, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Needs to administer skills to tackle these opposing forces—this evolving phenomenon of hyper-competition pressures all CEOs to realign and adopt strategies necessary for their businesses so they can gain advantages in this turbulent environment.
CEO’s Are the compass hand. That decides the direction the company needs to navigate. His position in the company. Strengthen his decision-making authority. He's often overloaded with different information, Pressing financial issues, Customer deadlines, Company objectives, Competing goals, ambiguous and personal goals. That’s Why a balanced personality With sound professional acumen, experience And drive to do better augment the CEO to provide timely and efficient solutions to company problems.


A leader is a person who Leads In all times and situations. He must possess the requisite skills to lead. Skills that help him navigate the unknown effectively. For example, abilities to anticipate, challenge, interpret, decide, align and learn.

  • Anticipate. The best way to anticipate is to conduct market research and business simulation, understand competitors' perspectives,Customer needs, and prepare for the unexpected.
  • Challenge. Strategic planners question the status quo. They Contemplate deductions from the available facts and Assumptions from Imagination that stem out from divergent POVs. CEOs must focus on the root cause of the problems rather than the symptoms. They must encourage result-oriented debates so that all tiers in the company know the challenge they need to address. This methodology will cultivate a sense of ownership amongst Staff members and foster comradeship.
  • Interpret. Leaders who challenge the problems rationally, Invariably, come out, with a clear and concise interpretation of the problem in hand, along with its solution.
  • Decide. Leaders never practice tunnel vision decision-making. They always calculate multiple options for one problem. They process their thoughts through the filter off-discipline approach, balancing rigor with speed. and takes short-term and long-term goals into account.
  • Align. To align with stakeholders' objectives Study planners must plan common ground so disparate views and agendas can be addressed. Ensure active outreach, enable proactive communication, trust building , and frequent engagement with stakeholders and market trends.
  • Learn. Leaders are the beacon of learning in any organization. They set the direction for a culture of inquiry and accept the lessons in successful and unsuccessful outcomes. They learn from failures, accept their and team's mistakes openly and constructively to build on a tested, successful future formula that helps them and the company to grow.
  • Time Management

    The ratio of output to input defines productivity. Managing real-time which has a constant and continuous flow does not mean time management. It means a concept where more indispensable work and activities fit into time. A CEO has to use his time more effectively than other staff members. Therefore, time is a limited and valuable resource every CEO has to cater for. Time concept can be discussed in three topics, personal time, management time and organizational time.

  • Personal time. Individuals who utilize their time more effectively will be more successful in producing and accomplishing work in less time.
  • Management Time. Management-level executives need more time to assess the situation and make decisions compared to other members.
  • Organizational time. It’s the time concept, where an organization completes the work earlier than its competitors, endorsing a successful model of growth and productivity
    Time flow cannot be interfered with. Therefore, to complete more work and activities in flowing time confirms a higher ratio of productivity for the organization. That’s why CEOs have to work productively and effectively to get maximum output from flowing time.
  • Communication Paradigm

    Business Communication is the corner store of all businesses. Clear, concise and free flow of ideas and thoughts are like the flow of blood in the human body. Any hindrance in the flow will cause health issues for the entire body.There are different vehicles and channels developed over a period of time for the transmission of ideas and concepts.CEO's have mastered the art of communication so they can put across their ideas and thoughts productively. Same is the case with corporate communication because it tends to be effective once the ideas and thoughts flow freely in the communication paradigm.

    Goals and Objectives.

    CEO must ensure strategic alignment between organizational goals and objectives. Business Process Management goals based on all documented strategic directions help organizations achieve desired objectives and goals. Deploying a performance prism that illustrates the hidden complexities of the goals and objectives allows CEOs to think through the answers to important questions is the new norm now.

  • Stakeholders satisfaction
  • Stakeholders' contribution
  • Capabilities
  • These Viewpoints enable a comprehensive and integrated framework for organizations that CEOs must adopt to achieve laid-out goals and objectives for the organization.

    Financial Management

    Intensification in global competition has compelled economic units and businesses to face economic challenges. Likewise, technological advances have redefined the productivity of business models thus raising an anti where cost effectiveness has become an essential factor of strategic financial management.
    CEOs of all businesses have to have a feel for market advancements which will define the financial aspects of the projects.
    It is the CEO's financial literacy that entails him to implement financial strategies beneficial for productivity output.


    The leadership qualities of all CEOs have a substantial influence on their function.CEOs act as a source platform and are looked up to as the beacon that radiates skills, experiences and abilities, both for the firm and employees to rely on.
    As CEOs are part of a strategic decision-making body every decision they make or reach has financial, environmental and ethical implications that can ‘critically effective organization’.Therefore, they should be prepared to reorientate, redefine and adopt policies that address the evolving, turbulent and uncertain business environments and can help them achieve their goals.


    The 06 essential administrative skills go hand in glove for the CEO’s effective leadership. Master the art of using them so that all key elements in the business environment can be exploited for their benefit.

  • Boost in-depth learning and understanding
  • Craft essential soft skills (e.g., communication, teamwork)
  • Inculcate a sense of belonging and community
  • Promote active learning and engagement
  • Exercise diverse learning styles and needs
  • Examples of creating a collaborative learning environment through modern e-learning platforms:

    1. Discussion Forums: Online discussion platforms used by learners to share their ideas, raise questions, and engage in One-on-One learning.

    2. Collaborative Projects: Platforms that support learners to work as a team on projects, share resources, and track progress.

    3. Virtual Breakout Rooms: Virtual spaces where learners can work in small groups, discuss ideas, and interact in activities.

    4. Social Learning Networks: Spaces that connect learners with related interests, empowering them to share tools, ask questions, and learn from each other.

    5. Gamification: Synthesizing game-like features that encourage learners to collaborate, compete, and associate in learning activities.

    6. Live Webinars: Interactive webinars that allow learners to engage with instructors in real time.

    7. Peer Review: Platforms that allow learners to evaluate and provide feedback on each other's work, inculcate critical thinking and collaboration.

    8. Collaborative Document Editing: Facilities that equip learners to co-create and edit documents, promoting teamwork and communication.

    9. Virtual Whiteboards: Interactive whiteboards that empower learners to brainstorm, share ideas, and work together as one team in real time.

    10. Learning Analytics: Platforms that synergize learner behaviour, leveraging instructors to highlight areas where collaboration can be improved.

    Examples of modern e-learning platforms that support collaborative learning include:

  • Udemy
  • Khan Academy
  • Race to Freedom
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Skill Share
  • Adobe Connect
  • Reading Kingdom
  • These platforms present various facilities and infrastructure to create a collaborative learning environment, enabling the learning experience and encouraging engagement among learners.


    As education continues to evolve, it is essential to adopt collaborative learning and provide learners with the relevant expertise and necessary knowledge to prosper in a fast-evolving landscape. By endorsing collaborative learning, educators can enable the full potential of their learners and develop a more diverse and effective learning experience.
    Ergo, the future of education depends on our capacity to evolve, innovate, and optimize collaboration. As a team working together, we can create a prosperous future for all learners and empower them to flourish in an ever-changing world.